Web-Based Application: DHL Intraship

DHL Intraship - Enterprise Application UX Design

(in conjunction with Naviscent LLC)

The Gerstle Group designed a completely new interface for DHL’s Intraship product. The Usability challenges in this project were extreme. Intraship was to be used globally by both occasional-use individuals, as well as high-volume corporate users. It obviously had to be effective and easy to use for everyone.

To add to the complexity, the approval team within DHL consisted of no fewer than 16 individuals representing DHL offices across Europe, Asia, and North America.

The challenge of this project is what made it most rewarding. We were working within an extremely tight timeline, and with a large team of stakeholders. Often, requirements and feature sets seemed to change day to day, while the scope of the effort grew. Diplomacy with the client team and constantly maintaining expectations – in addition to thoughtful, quality designs – were the keys to a successful deliverable and a happy client.

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